Document Details

Document Type : Article In Conference 
Document Title :
The Origin of Term " Tafla " and Using it for Desert Soil Classification
أصل مصطلح الطفلة وأهمية استخدامه في تصنيف التربة الصحراوية
Subject : Mining Engineering 
Document Language : Arabic 
Abstract : ABSTRACT: Desert lands cover large parts of Egypt's land surface occurring on both sides of the narrow alluvial plain of the Nile Valley. The sediments of these arid land are mainly clayey and sandy desert deposits. Many engineering problems are related to these deposits. Most common are expansive and collapsible behaviours. Tafla is a local term widely used in geotechnical engineering practices for such range of soil material associated with regions of moisture deficiency outside the Nile Valley. This term is very popular, particularly among personnel working in the field at different levels of professional practice. It is generally used to describe all types of desert formations which are clayey in nature. However, the term is now, looked on with some disfavor because its origin and the development of its usage is not brown. Words are creation of man which likely may turn out differently than considered. Therefore, the authors of this paper feel that this term , being a living term, needs investigation, ratification and classification. This was done, in the present research, by digging into the question which exposed some of the roots of linguistic and geological terminology. Therefor, the established concept was verified. Then a classification based on this term has been recommended using internationally adopted classification as well as physical properties and engineering behaviours of desert soil materials. 
Conference Name : Symposium of Constructional Development in Desert Region and Its Problematic Building 
Publishing Year : 1423 AH
2002 AD
Number Of Pages : 8 
Article Type : Article 
Conference Place : Ryad, Saudi Arabia 
Organizing Body : Ministry of Public Works 
Added Date : Sunday, April 3, 2011 


Researcher Name (Arabic)Researcher Name (English)Researcher TypeDr GradeEmail
محمد عبدالقادر الصهبىEl- Sohby, Mohamed
سعيد أسامه مازنMazen, said
محمود إبراهيم أبوشوكAboushook, Mahmoud


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 29525.pdf pdfأصل مصطلح الطفلة وأهمية استخدامه في تصنيف التربة الصحراوية

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